Indomitable Women – Pakenham Cemetery Tour

It has been 10 years since we remembered 25 women who shaped the local community of Pakenham. Join us on a tour of the Pakenham Cemetery as we retell the stories of these women, who came from all walks of life.

Among the graves we visit are those of: Shire Secretary, Beatrice Thomas; Margaret Gordon, who died when her cart capsised; six publicans; Polly Smith, who died aged 107 in 1989; Susannah Thompson, who died in childbirth after being administered too much opium; Alison and Kerry Medwin, who lost their lives in the Ash Wednesday Bushfires at Upper Beaconsfield in 1983; and indigenous woman Lucy Pepper, who was denied her wish to be buried near her father at Lake Tyers, Gippsland.

Event date

Event Details

Corner of Cemetery Road and Thewlis Road Pakenham, Victoria 3810

Pakenham Cemetery



Entry fees:
Adults $ 10, Children $ Free, Concession $ 10
Prebooking 084 671
Onsite facilities: