Indomitable Women – Pakenham Cemetery Tour
It has been 10 years since we remembered 25 women who shaped the local community of Pakenham. Join us on a tour of the Pakenham Cemetery as we retell the stories of these women, who came from all walks of life.
Among the graves we visit are those of: Shire Secretary, Beatrice Thomas; Margaret Gordon, who died when her cart capsised; six publicans; Polly Smith, who died aged 107 in 1989; Susannah Thompson, who died in childbirth after being administered too much opium; Alison and Kerry Medwin, who lost their lives in the Ash Wednesday Bushfires at Upper Beaconsfield in 1983; and indigenous woman Lucy Pepper, who was denied her wish to be buried near her father at Lake Tyers, Gippsland.