Day Tour of the Ballaarat Mechanics’ Institute
A colourful history of the Ballaarat Mechanics' Institute and it's people.
Over the past 150 years of the Ballaarat Mechanics’ Institute has, at times taken pride of place among the grand buildings of Ballarat, attracting to its membership the cream of the citizens of the city. At other times it has been hidden behind shopfronts and other businesses, out of sight and out of mind for all but a handful of people who continued to patronise the Library and participate in the occasional meetings or other activities.
In the early years, as the dreams of the founding fathers gradually came to fruition, the walls of the Institute rang with the voices of people attending soirees, bazaars and balls, and were hushed in the presence of lectures some of whom were august and important and were visiting Ballarat to experience the vibrancy of goldrush Victoria for themselves.
And so the institute continues to evolve and find relevance today… These are their stories.