“The National Trust of Australia (Queensland): Protect, conserve and celebrate Queensland’s environmental, built and cultural heritage”


Find out how you can can activate your voice below or download a copy of the NTAQ State Election Priorities document.

Following the announcement of the Queensland election for the 25th November 2017, the National Trust of Australia (Queensland) releases their priorities to ensure the candidates give firm commitments to protect Queensland’s heritage.

The National Trust of Australia (Queensland) is Queensland’s leading community heritage organisation. With $54M of heritage assets, nearly 12,000 members and 800 volunteers across the State, over 542,000 visitors to its properties, we are regularly able to raise millions of dollars of funding per year for the conservation of heritage places owned by others – the National Trust makes a unique contribution to our community.

The National Trust is inviting election candidates to share their policies and give firm commitments on environmental, built and cultural heritage, and heritage tourism.

Responses will be displayed below

Why is heritage important?
Environmental, built and cultural heritage makes a vital contribution to our community and economy. It helps develop cohesive communities through a deep understanding of identity and place. Queensland’s unique identity is formed by our environmental, built and cultural heritage.

What are the National Trust Priorities?
1. Ensuring state government agencies lead by example and do not allow their heritage assets to be demolished by neglect;
2. Growing cultural heritage tourism to generate jobs and increase cash flow into our regions;
3. Supporting owners of heritage places by committing to adequate, long term grant funding programs;
4. Provide strategic partnering for key cultural events such as the Heritage Festival and Great Houses;
5. Reinstating heritage services in the regions to support local job creation and regional heritage owners;
6. Resourcing stronger heritage units in state government agencies – especially within their regional offices;
7. Supporting strategic partnerships with natural, cultural and Indigenous organisations so that they can focus on joint promotion of heritage assets;
8. Implementing the World Heritage Centre (WHC) advice for the protection of the Great Barrier Reef;
9. Investment in the interpretation of the heritage of the many coastal settlements along the length of the Great Barrier Reef coastline, to coincide with Cook 250 events;
10. Encouraging governments to enforce and strengthen protective heritage mechanisms; and
11. Commitment to a program of accredited training for traditional skills that links practitioners with apprentices and creates jobs.

How you can Activate your Voice.

The National Trust of Australia (Queensland) has prepared a State Election Priorities document for the public to use to lobby their local candidates.

What is a State Election Priorities document? 

<<Download the document>>

The document outlines the issues of concern as identified by National Trust of Australia (Queensland). You can use this document to ask questions of your candidates and gain firm election commitments in writing.

How can you use the document?

You can choose to:

  • Email the document to your candidates asking them to respond to the questions;
  • Write them a letter with the document attached asking them to respond to the questions; or
  • Call and make an appointment to discuss the document with your candidates.

What should you do with any responses?

You may send any responses to:

  • Your local newspaper or radio – newspapers, television, and radio are still the main way that election news is spread – to us and to our representatives.
    The media may choose to use a journalist to report your story to the community.
  • The National Trust of Australia (Queensland) heritage@nationaltrustqld.org
    The Trust will be comparing and ranking all the responses we receive and sharing them on our website and with our members, the media and the candidates. Every response counts!
  • Local history, heritage and historical societies – these groups by their very nature are interested in heritage and can be enthusiastic helpers for your campaign.

Become more aware of the passion and concern for heritage issues and help candidates make firm election commitments before they are elected!

Activate your voice now!

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We need your support to create widespread awareness of threats to heritage. Join the National Trust.


Media Release: Queensland State Election 2017

NTAQ releases their election priorities document
