Sitting in the middle of Torrens Square, on land set aside by the colonial surveyors, St Peter’s Anglican Church has a unique place in the heart of Glenelg and South Australia as shown by its Heritage Listing.
The 2024-2025 conservation appeal will focus on the ongoing preservation of this important church for future generations through a number of projects.

St Peter’s church was on the very spot where … the glad tidings of the Gospel truth were first proclaimed in the colony” (The Register) at the first service in the colony led by Rev. C.B. Howard on 1st January 1837. That first church proved too small and a new church, designed by Edmund W. Wright, was opened in 1882.


Visitors to St Peter’s are amazed by the beautiful collection of stained glass windows. In 1923 The Advertiser reported on the dedication of the final window no other building in the State can compare with this fine church in this respect, and doubtless few South Australians have any idea that so much beauty can be found in any sacred edifice in or around Adelaide” .


In 2017, the Parish had a very successful appeal through the National Trust to fully restore the Great West Window, at a cost of $100,000. We are continuing this preservation work by replacing the rusted screens with the same protection used for the western windows.


As part of the new Discovery Memorial Garden on the south-west corner, dedicated on St Peter’s Day on 30 June 2024, the Parish’s new appeal will also help to fund the necessary stonework repairs due to rising damp causing fretting of the bluestone on the Church.  The other appeal items are listed below.


Feel free to visit the church Sunday mornings or during office hours on Wednesday to Friday 9:30am-12:30pm.  Also, you can take a 360 degree tour on the Church here.


St Peter’s Anglican Church Glenelg Appeal

Please help fund repairs and improvements to this unique place:

Stonework repairs to the church,

Polycarbonate protection to the unique Stained Glass windows, Repairs to the Bell Tower and internal glass doors into St Peters,

Upgrading the Chancel Lighting,

Rectory repairs (replacing downpipes, gutters and verandah roofing).


If you have any queries, please feel free to telephone the church on 08 8295 2382 between 9:30am-12:30pm Wed-Fri, or email


Call to action section

St Peter's Anglican Church Glenelg Appeal

Please help fund repairs and improvements to this unique church. The 2023-2025 projects include a revitalisation of the Porch entrance, including the painting of all doors, Stonework repairs to the church and memorial garden, and commencement of window repairs and protection.

If you have any queries, please feel free to telephone the church on 08 8295 2382 between 9:30am-2:30pm Tues-Fri, or email

To donate please click here