Thank you for your support
Keep the Lights On
These are challenging times we face together. From the devastating bushfires that tore through our country earlier this year, to the current widespread global impact of COVID-19.
As an independent non-profit organisation that operates within Australia’s tourism, arts and cultural sector, the National Trust in Victoria has been hard-hit, and we need your help to figuratively keep the lights on while we continue with our valuable work behind the scenes.
The National Trust’s financial success rests on our ability to welcome people to our properties. With our sites and attractions now closed, we want to ensure we can continue to care for our special places, and continue to be the community’s voice for heritage.
Tasma Terrace is home to the National Trust in Victoria, and continues to keep our vision alight.
We’re asking for donations to keep the lights on at Tasma until we can return to business as usual, resuming our mission to inspire the community to appreciate, conserve and celebrate Victoria’s diverse natural, cultural, social and Indigenous heritage.
With a monthly donation you can make an ongoing contribution to sustaining brighter days ahead.
In the face of all that has shaken us this year, we remain resilient. With your help, we will sustain and celebrate Victoria’s culture and history well into the future.
Please help us keep the lights on at Tasma by making a donation today.