Have Your Say: Protect the Heritage of Queen Victoria Market

The National Trust is urging all community stakeholders to submit comment on the Public Environment Report for the Queen Victoria Market Southern Development Project.

The Queen Victoria Market, a nationally significant site with a rich cultural history, is at the centre of a development proposal that could have lasting impacts on its heritage values.

The Queen Victoria Market Southern Development Project (Gurrowa Place) proposes building three mixed-use towers and a low-rise civic building adjacent to the market, converting the market carpark into public open space, and restoring the Franklin Street Stores for adaptive reuse.

As a nationally heritage-listed site, Queen Victoria Market is protected under the EPBC Act. In June, the Australian Government declared the project a “Controlled Action,” meaning the works have the potential to impact the National Heritage values of the market and require further assessment.

The EBPC Act assessment is different to previous planning approvals made by local and state government authorities, such as Heritage Victoria, as it is the only protection mechanism that can consider the impacts construction of buildings adjacent to, and within important sight lines of the Queen Victoria Market would have on its values.

This assessment process is now underway through a Public Environment Report (PER), and the time has come for the community to have its say.


Why Your Voice Matters

The Public Environment Report is now open for public comment, giving you a chance to shape the future of Queen Victoria Market. Developer Lendlease will be required to revise the report based on public feedback, which will then guide the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water in making a recommendation to the Commonwealth Minister about whether the project should proceed.


Our Position

The National Trust is preparing its submission, advocating for innovative designs that respect and enhance heritage settings. Throughout our submissions to previous planning applications for this project, the National Trust has had the following positions:

  • The National Trust supports the proposal for the replacement of the open-air carpark with Market Square. However, we have concerns regarding the potential excising effect on the Franklin Street Stores from the rest of the Market site.
  • The National Trust supports the proposed adaptive reuse of the Franklin Street Stores. However, we object to the temporary and permanent demolitions of the canopy to facilitate the encroachment and cantilever of the T1 and T2 tower developments.
  • The National Trust objects to the construction of the three proposed towers, T1, T2 & T3 behind the Franklin Street Stores. We submit that the bulk, height and encroachment of the proposed towers would overwhelm the Queen Victoria Market and have a significant and adverse impact on the setting and National Heritage values of the place.
  • The National Trust submits the Queens Corner building should be further set back from the Franklin Street Stores, as its proximity encloses Market Square and further confines and encroaches on Queen Victoria Market.


Take Action

Your input is vital. We have provided a brief guide on how to make your submission below.

Here’s how you can make your voice heard:

  • Submit feedback via emailgurrowaplace@lendlease.com
  • Send written submissions to:
    ATT: Proponent, Adam Williams
    Level 14, Two Melbourne Quarter
    697 Collins Street
    Docklands VIC 3008

Deadline for submissions: Friday, 20 December 2024 (submissions have now closed)

Our Response

You can read the submission on behalf of the Australian Council of National Trusts and the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) here.

Submission Guide

1. Read the Public Environment Reportgurrowapl.com.au

  • Focus on sections relevant to your interests or expertise
  • Take notes on unclear, incomplete, or concerning information.

2. Identify Key Issues you want to address

  • You can refer to National Trust submissions to help shape your feedback, such as those linked below.

3. Structure Your Comment Clearly

  • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and explain why you’re interested in the project.
  • Key Points: Use headings or bullet points for each issue.
  • Supporting Evidence: Refer to sections in the PER, include personal observations, or cite relevant research.
  • Conclusion: Summarise your main concerns and suggestions.

4. Be Constructive and Specific

  • Highlight gaps in the PER or inadequate mitigation measures.
  • Suggest practical solutions or improvements.
  • Avoid general complaints; focus on clear, actionable points.

5. Address Legal and Heritage Criteria

  • Refer to the National Heritage values of Queen Victoria Market
  • Refer to relevant EPBC Act criteria or policy guidelines to strengthen your points.

Further Reading


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