Skip Menhinnitt “Looking back on my time in “The Troubles”, Ulster fifty years ago”

Skip Menhinnitt “Looking back on my time in “The Troubles”, Ulster fifty years ago”

Skip was posted to Ulster as a 19-year-old Military Police Corporal. “Bloody Sunday”, a catalyst for increased sectarian violence across the province, had occurred just two weeks before her arrival. Skip will share with you some of her experience of “The Troubles”. Skip joined the British Army and was posted to the Rhine, Berlin then Ulster. She married, then left the Army to move to Australia. Thirteen years later, and mother to four children, she joined the Australian Federal Police, working in Sydney, Brisbane, Cyprus, East Timor, Jakarta and Darwin.

Join us on the lawn at Burnett House for a cool drink and nibbles at 5:30 pm  before the talk. 

Entry: $2 members, $5 non-members – $7.50 wine, $5 beer. 

Telephone enquiries to Julie: 0437391393.

P R E S E R V I N G  O U R  H E R I T A G E : I S  A  M A T T E R  O F  T R U S T