Visit Sydney's S. H. Ervin Gallery to view the very first survey of works by Peter Godwin, spanning across 25 years.
This is the first survey of leading Australian artist Peter Godwin’s practice. Featuring significant paintings and prints from 2000 – 2025, the exhibition – Peter’s first exhibition in a public gallery – celebrates his sustained vision in which he deftly plays with space, light and time in his ethereal, shifting compositions.
The worlds of Peter Godwin are ever-changing and allusive. In his interiors, still life and landscapes he presents memories of other places. Working from his studio on the central coast of NSW, Godwin recalls places, images and objects into his evocative compositions. Over the last 25 years he has distilled and refined his use of light, space and time to create atmospheric paintings and prints that push the potential of an image.
Image: PETER GODWIN Studio interior with Eastern Grass Owl 2022 tempera emulsion and oil on linen 153 x 153cm